*** Instructions for Windows 10-11 (64 bits)*** For the Facebook Spatial Workstation it is required to have the following software installed: 1) FFMPEG. Unzip the FFMPEG-win.zip file provided here. It contains a folder named "FB360 Spatial Workstation" which should be copied in the hidden folder C:\ProgramData\, so that you get FFMPEG inside the folder C:\ProgramData\FB360 Spatial Workstation\ffmpeg-3.2-win64-shared\ 2) Python 2.7. Download it from here (file python-2.7.18.amd64.msi) and install it to the folder C:\Python27\ 3) MP4BOX 0.80. Download it from here (file: gpac-0.8.0-rev1-gc1990d5c-master-x64.exe) and install it to the folder C:\Program Files\GPAC *** Instructions for Mac OSX (from El Capitan to Catalina) *** 1) Download and unzip the file named FFMPEG-3.2-Mac.zip file provided here. It contains a folder named "ffmpeg-3.2" 2) Copy this folder to /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/FB360 Spatial Workstation/ 3) If Finder does not show the Library folder, when you are in /Users/yourusername folder press the keys cmd+shift+. 4) The final result should be: /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/FB360 Spatial Workstation/ffmpeg-3.2 as shown in this screenshot: http://www.angelofarina.it/Public/FB360/Screenshot%202022-04-27%20at%2000.29.47.png *** Instructions for Mac OS Big Sur and Monterey (Intel machines only) *** 1) Download the ZIP file named FFMPEG-mac-Big-Sur.zip 2) Unzip it, then copy and paste the whole folder ffmpeg@3.4 into the directory usr/local/Cellar. 3) If Finder does not show the /usr folder, when you are in the root of your disk (/) press the keys cmd+shift+. 4) The final result should be: /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg@3.4/3.4.2 as shown in this screenshot: http://www.angelofarina.it/Public/FB360/Screenshot%202022-04-27%20at%2000.42.40.png Last trick: on some Mac computers you could need to install both versions of FFMPEG, 3.2 and 3.4, as described above.