This folder contains the accompanying software (control panel) for the Umik-2 USB microphone. The software allows to control the analog preamplifier of the microphone, setting its gain in the range 0 dB => + 42dB at 1 dB steps. For normal usage the microphone should be left with a 0 dB gain, so that the clipping limit of the A/D converter equates the clipping limit of the capusle, 130 dB SPL. The microphone is usually sold preset with a gain of + 18 or +20 dB, which reduces the clipping limit to just 110 dB SPL. Such a setting is NOT suitable for measuring high SPL values, resulting in waveform clipping and distortion. So it is almost mandatory to reset the gain to 0 dB before using the Umik-2 for calibrated SPL measurements. It is unclear why MiniDSP does not provide this gain control panel to all users. But here it is! Angelo Farina, February 2024